TBH I had mixed emotions about this race.
When I signed up for it in the spring, l imagined us doing regular training sessions over the summer, preparing step by step. But, of course, summer got busy... and we didn't train nearly as much as I had hoped.
Then just last week, when I brought up the need for some practice runs, * looked at me and said, "I don't want to do this race."
She had the SAME reaction in the middle of her booth project in the summer. But no, I didn't remind her of that moment. I kept quiet.
But inside, I was super annoyed.
Let's backtrack a little...
Before signing us up for the 5k, I googled whether it was safe for kids her age to run a 5k race. I came across recommendations that said a minimum age of 8 was fine, but there wasn't a lot of solid science behind it.
It seemed like one of those things: it's ok if you train right, don't overdo it, and there's adult supervision.
So when she said she didn't want to do it, I questioned myself:
Am I pushing her too far?
Am I crossing her physical limits?
And then I asked myself the big question:
Why did I want her to run in the first place?
Was it because I wanted her to be physically active? Was it the idea of building up a lifetime of coping strategies that running can provide? Or maybe I wanted her to learn the importance of perseverance.
What would you do if you were in my shoes: when your child suddenly doesn't want to continue something you signed up for together?
Would you push them to keep going, or let them take a step back?